Passware offers advanced password lists and dictionaries for its Dictionary attack.
The default built-in dictionaries available for Passware Kit cover the following languages:
Arabic Bulgarian Danish Dutch English Estonian |
Finnish French German Greek Icelandic Irish |
Italian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Slovenian |
Spanish Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese |
Users can also download the ready dictionaries below and add them as custom dictionaries in the Dictionary attack settings. For more information on adding a custom dictionary, please check this article:
How to create a custom dictionary
Passware dictionaries and attack settings are now available to our customers for free download.
The combination of the free dictionaries and the attack settings produces approximately 4.5 billion possible passwords and is 2.6 times more efficient than the default built-in dictionary (as tested on a leaked passwords list with over 6,000,000 entries).
All Passware Kit Business and Passware Kit Forensic SMS subscribers, as well as Passware Kit Ultimate and Passware Kit Mobile Annual owners, have access to the Passware proprietary password dictionaries, which are updated regularly. The latest leaked passwords dictionary contains over 28 billion passwords and is available for download (50 GB) in the Passware Account, on the “Free Dictionaries” tab.
To apply this dictionary in Passware Kit, extract the downloaded archive into a folder and specify the location of this folder in Passware Kit at “Tools | Dictionary Manager | Add Dictionary | Add Passware Dictionary (Folder)...”. It will be automatically added to the list of dictionaries.
Passware also provides Passware Kit Forensic customers with the list of passwords found by Passware Kit users worldwide in the form of an advanced dictionary. This opt-in service is called Password Exchange.
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