If a file password cannot be recovered or removed instantly, Passware Kit offers three options for brute-force-based password searches:
Passware Tip: The password hints can be extracted for Apple Notes, iWork files, FileVault2 accounts, APFS disk images, Western Digital digest files, and SanDisk vaults. These hints might be helpful for adjusting the settings and make the password recovery process more efficient.
Predefined Settings
Predefined Settings are the default set of attacks based on the most frequently used password patterns. This set contains the following attacks:
- Previous passwords
- Dictionary (short passwords)
- Brute-force (short passwords)
- Xieve (medium level)
- Brute-force (numbers)
- Joined attacks
- Joined dictionary
- Brute-force (letters+numbers)
- Xieve (low level)
Attack #1: Previous passwords | Case: original, normal, upper, lower
The recovered passwords are added automatically to the “Previous Passwords” dictionary to be checked on subsequent files. The attack checks different modifications of the previous passwords for other files.
Attack #2: Built-in English Dictionary | Length: 1-15 | Case: original, normal, upper, lower, reverse, toggle
Example: Eye, hello, nASA, Abandonee.
The attack checks the built-in English dictionary words up to 15 characters long with different case types. Dictionary Settings can be changed by double-clicking on the attack.
Attack #3: Brute-force | Length: 1-4 | Symbol Set: lowercase, uppercase, numbers, symbols, space
Example: !#x, !UX, "2V, Gf67.
The attack checks all possible combinations of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers and symbols with an overall password length of up to 4 characters.
Attack #4: Xieve | Length: 5-9 | Level: medium | Case: lowercase
Example: aideo, carrh, abberck.
The attack checks passwords from 5 to 9 letters that look like English words, but are not necessarily dictionary words. Medium level checks for less common combinations in lower case.
Attack #5: Brute-force | Length: 5-8 | Symbol Set: numbers
Example: 85647, 9405694, 22830015.
The attack checks numerical passwords from 5 to 8 characters.
Attack #6: Joined Attacks | Length: 1-13
Example: Aaron(92, Candle9245, Password!#24.
The attack checks passwords that contain a dictionary word, followed by 1-2 numbers or symbols, and up to 4 numbers at the end.
Attack #7: Joined Attacks | Length: 2-18
Example: Waleyparma, savedShiva, sharpAbe's.
The attack checks passwords that contain two dictionary words with an overall password length of up to 9 characters.
Note: The built-in English dictionary also includes some combinations of numbers.
Attack #8: Brute-force | Length: 5-7 | Symbol Set: lowercase, numbers
Example: 002pc, 13nod2, 1bsoem.
The attack checks combinations of lowercase letters and numbers with an overall password length of 5 to 7 characters.
Attack #9: Xieve | Length: 10-11 | Level: Low | Symbol Set: lowercase
Example: aaasaiapan, toochercent, huygjertbnk.
The attack checks passwords from 5 to 9 letters that look like English words, but are not necessarily dictionary words. Low level checks for the least common combinations.
If the Predefined Settings fail to recover the password, customize the password recovery settings using “Wizard” or “Customize Settings” options.
Use the wizard to configure password recovery attacks easily. Follow the on-screen instructions to specify the information about the lost password:
- pattern,
- language,
- symbol set, length, case, etc.
Select the pattern based on the known information about the lost password and click “Next” to continue customizing the attacks.
Select “I know nothing about the password” and Passware Kit will assign the predefined settings.
Choose from the list of built-in dictionaries. If your language is not present, click “Skip and Customize Settings” and add a custom dictionary.
Symbol set, length, case, etc.
Customize additional settings using parts of the passwords, their length, and their case. Specify known parts (if any).
Customize Settings
This option opens the list of the predefined attacks, which can be modified manually according to the known information about the lost password. To configure the attack model from scratch, click “All” to clear the list and start with your own settings. Click “+ Add Attack” to add a password recovery attack to the list. Check out the “What Password Recovery Attacks can I use?” article to learn about the available options.
Contact Support for assistance with customizing the settings and specify all the information about the lost password.
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